Research Lines

Our research covers multiple projects in the fields of supramolecular chemistry, chemical biology, and nanotechnology. Our main goal is to develop nanostructured materials mainly for biomedical applications.

Synthetic recognition units

Molecular recognition plays a critical role in biological, medical and industrial applications. The most applied recognition tools are naturally occurring elements, mainly antibodies, which have plenty of disadvantages, such as poor stability and laborious preparation. NanoSelf is developing synthetic recognition units that can emulate the excellent recognition properties of antibodies while overcoming their limitations.

FUNDING: Diseño de cajas moleculares para el reconocimiento de péptidos (ED431F 2022). Entidad financiadora: Xunta de Galicia. Tipo: Proxectos de persoal investigador con traxectoria excelente. Periodo: Septiembre 1, 2022 – Agosto 31, 2027. Presupuesto: 115K€.

Chiral Plasmonic NPs

The young discipline of chiral plasmonic nanomaterials is right at the forefront of ground-breaking science and might have a huge potential impact in a large variety of fields from biology to physics and chemistry. NanoSelf is interested in developing novel methodologies for the colloidal synthesis of chiral plasmonic nanomaterials by using molecular assemblies as templates.

FUNDING: Supramolecular polymers as templates for the synthesis of chiral plasmonic nanoparticles (PID2020-117885GA-I00). Entidad financiadora: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Tipo: Proyectos I+D Generación de Conocimiento.  Periodo: Septiembre 15, 2021 – Septiembre 14, 2024. Presupuesto: 85 K€.

Chemistry of low dimensional materials

The possibility of chemical modification of low dimensional structures, e.g. graphene derivatives, carbon nanotubes and other related materials, allows for the fine-tuning of their chemical and physical properties. The implementation of new properties enhance exponentially the fields of action of these nanomaterials.  

Nanoself carries out basic research, studying a wide variety of methodologies for functionalization of low dimensional structures to implement new functionalities for the design of novel materials with useful optical, electronic and/or biomedical properties.

FUNDING: Síntesis de Nanotiras de Grafeno Basadas en Péptidos para Bioaplicaciones (PID2021-127002NA-I00). Entidad financiadora: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Tipo: Proyectos I+D Generación de Conocimiento. Periodo: Septiembre 01, 2023 – Agosto 31, 2025. Presupuesto: 75 K€.

FUNDING: Automated iterative solid phase synthesis for the precise construction of graphene nanosheets (ED431F 2024/23). Funding Entity: Xunta de Galicia. Call: AXUDAS PARA PROXECTOS DE EXCELENCIA DO SISTEMA UNIVERSITARIO DE GALICIA. Period: January 1, 2024 – December 31, 2026. Budget: 65.000€.


Because of their interesting properties, the low dimensional materials such as graphene, carbon nanotubes and metal dichalcogenides are having a tremendous impact in biosensing design and preparation as transducers, in particular as electron transducers in electrochemical devices and field effect transistors.
In Nanoself, we develop biosensing devices based on these nanomaterials in order to achieve outstanding sensing performance.

FUNDING: Sensing endometriosis on portable auxiliary devices (101130516). Entidad financiadora: European Comission. Tipo: HORIZON-CL4-2023-RESILIENCE-01-33. Role: Co-IP de la UDC. Periodo: Septiembre 1, 2024 – Agosto 31, 2028. Presupuesto: 510K€
FUNDING: FLow detection of viruses by graphene Field Effect Transistor microarrays (101130125). Entidad financiadora: European Comission. Tipo: HORIZON-EIC-2023-PATHFINDEROPEN-01. Role: Co-IP de la UDC. Periodo: Marzo 1, 2024 – Agosto 31, 2027. Presupuesto: 763K€.